Time to Transition

Time to Transition

July has been a very fruitful month for ministry in Zambia. We had 17 American students come to Lusaka and serve with our university ministry. The gospel was shared, students were discipled, our weekly fellowships doubled, and many were saved. The stories I continue to hear from Zambian students are amazing. On Tuesday, August 3rd, we were having a Bible study in our living room and there were 10 students. One guy, Manasseh, came and it was only his second time in the group. I did not know him very well and had not spent much time with him. I had given the students an assignment to write down their testimonies and they would share them the next week. Students began to share their salvation stores and it was so encouraging. Then it came time for Manasseh to share. He said his life had been a struggle. He wrestled with addiction and thoughts of suicide. He said a few weeks ago an American student named Kaden came up to him and shared the gospel and he repented of his sins and trusted Jesus for salvation. His life was changed. My heart was so full. 

However, our momentum hit a snag as Covid cases increased and schools, restaurants, and universities were shut down again. Our university students went back to their homes as they were scattered throughout Zambia. There were 10 students who did not have great situations, so we invited them to stay with us in our student flats at the guesthouse. While universities have closed and we have not been able to have our weekly fellowships, we have been able to disciple this group at a deeper level. Two of the students, who thought they were saved, have truly become followers of Jesus. One of them was on my birthday. (Great Present)

Now we are in August and coming to the finish line of our two-year term with the IMB in Zambia. October marks the end of our term, and it seems like these two years have been so long, but it also seems like it has flown by. We have truly fallen in love with the Zambian people and we have developed some deep friendships here. Although our time with the IMB is coming to an end, our ministry in Zambia will continue on. Kristi and I are not sure what that will look like, but we know the ministries that have been developed must continue and even grow as Zambian leaders take greater leadership responsibility. 

If you would like to know more or continue this journey with us, please go to charisinaction.org, follow us on Instagram and Facebook at charisinaction. We need more people to be involved to fulfill the vision we believe God has given to the Zambian leaders. 

So, as we prepare for another HUGE transition in our lives, we are praying for God’s will in our next season of ministry. We have no idea what is next, but we trust the Lord will show us in His timing. We thank those of you who have committed to pray for us during these two years and certainly ask with a new urgency that you would pray for us as we transition back to the US. We are not the same people that left America in 2019. The people and things we have seen and experienced have forever impacted us and changed us in a profound way. I don’t think we will even be able to process everything for months or years after we are home. 

We truly thank God, the IMB, our leaders, and all of you who have supported us on this ministry adventure. We look forward to seeing you soon.  

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