The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God

As we look at the world around us, it might be difficult for some people, even followers of Jesus, to find peace and a firm foundation in the midst of the chaos. I believe a great help to give foundational clarity and understanding in this cultural and spiritual confusion is a clear understanding of the Kingdom of God. I hope this Kingdom explanation gives you peace and spiritual boldness in these uncertain days. It’s a bit long but that is necessary to flesh out such a complex subject. 

The Kingdom of God is a primary focus throughout the Bible. If you have a Kingdom, you have a King. If you have a King, you have servants. If you have a Kingdom you have rules and laws that govern that Kingdom. If you have a Kingdom there is usually another kingdom, an opposing kingdom, warring against the first Kingdom. The Bible does not call the leader of that kingdom a king, because there is only one king. The Bible calls him a prince. The prince of the power of the air. He is not equal to our King and he does not have the power of our King. On the cross he was defeated by King Jesus and now we, the servants of Jesus, are victorious, more than conquerors, overcomers. 

We hear the words the Kingdom of God, we talk about the Kingdom of God, but what is it? What is the Kingdom of God? For us to truly understand the Bible and our role as servants of the King, WE MUST understand the KINGDOM OF GOD. The main topic in Jesus’ teaching and preaching was the Kingdom of God or Heaven, but many believers don’t know what the Kingdom of God is. When I teach on the KOG I usually ask all of the participators to write down their definition of the KOG. How many answers do you think I get? Typically, I receive as many different answers as there are people present.  

I want to take you on a journey through the Bible to help us know what the KOG is, at least my understanding of it. The New Testament begins with these verses. John the Baptist, preparing the way for King Jesus, preaches in Matt 3:2, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” (Matthew being a very devout Jewish boy would not mention or write the name of God, so he uses the word heaven. But it’s the same concept). The very first sermon that Jesus preached in Matt. 4:17 is “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” Matt. 4:23, “Jesus went about teaching the good news of the Kingdom…” Then Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount and in Matthew 6:10 He teaches on the Lord’s Prayer, “Your Kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is heaven.” Matt. 6:33, “above all else, seek first the Kingdom of God…”  

Then in Matthew 13, he teaches a bunch of parables and almost all of the parables begin with the Kingdom of God is like… Then in Acts 1:3, Jesus has been resurrected and is on the earth for only 40 more days. If you only had 40 days to teach on something you would teach on the most important topic there is. V.3, “He presented Himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the Kingdom of God.” Paul comes on the scene and at the end of his ministry in Acts 28:23, “From morning till evening he explained and declared to them the Kingdom of God.” V.30-31, “Boldly and without hindrance he preached the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.” He taught about the Kingdom and the King.

Jesus’ first sermon was about the Kingdom. He prayed we would bring the Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. Jesus told us to seek the Kingdom first as the priority of our life. Last thing Jesus taught during his last 40 days was the Kingdom and it was the last thing Paul taught before he died. So, WHAT IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD?  

To know that we need to know the 3 Sections of the Bible. There are ultimately only three eras of human history and basically three general sections of the Bible.   


The first section is Genesis 1-2. We call it the Garden of Eden or Paradise. Adam and Eve had everything they could or would ever want. They were whole, and they were experiencing abundant life.  

What is going on in Gen 1-2?  

All their needs were met by God: food, shelter, love, peace, they know God intimately, affirmation, validation, acceptance, significance, security, belonging, safety. They had it all. God’s Perfect Paradise, intimacy with God, and intimacy with each other. They had everything you and I are starving for. People had been given the keys of the Kingdom. (Gen. 1:28)


But there is second section. Genesis 3 – Revelation 20

It all falls apart. The man and woman sin, and we are under a curse. What is being experienced in this section? What is going on today in our world?  

25,000 children and adults die every day from hunger. 963 million people do not have enough to eat, more than the US, Canada, and the European Union combined. 33 million people have HIV/AIDS. Approximately 1 million abortions a year. 800,000 girls and women have crossed international lines as human slaves and sex trafficking. 38% of females have experienced sexual abuse in the US. Death, brokenness, pain, suffering, people don’t know God, LOST, disconnected from their Creator, hunger, poverty, abuse, babies killed, addiction, sex trafficking, wars, divorce, fractured relationships, loneliness, darkness, mental illness, murder, death, racism, prejudice, sexism, demon oppression, slavery, HIV Aids, malaria, Covid, cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, deception, greed, hatred, injustice, etc. Natural disasters: Earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, mudslides, floods, fires. It’s not Paradise anymore. Unfortunately, this is the time of human history that we are living in. We live in the curse. 

We were not created for this. We were created for paradise, perfection, Garden of Eden. We were created for safety, abundance, health, and blessing not a curse. When sin was chosen, everything was cursed. God had given man dominion over the earth and we were to rule the earth. He gave us the keys to the kingdom, dominion over animals, land, all the earth. When we sinned, we gave dominion, and the keys to the devil, and rather than ruling we became slaves, rather than blessing we received a curse. The land was cursed, animals were cursed, everything was cursed. We lost authority and dominion and humans gave the keys of the Kingdom to Satan. 


The third and last section is Revelation 21-22. The end of time when God makes all things right again. It is the new heaven and new earth, and we are in the eternal city. A return to Genesis 1-2.  

What is going on in this place? No sin, no devil, no flesh, no pain, no suffering, no death, no cancer, no Alzheimer’s, no addiction, abuse, sex trafficking, poverty, divorce, brokenness, orphans, injustice, no prejudice, HIV, malaria, covid, hunger, etc. None of the things that are happening on cursed earth. There is no sun or moon because Jesus is the Light. 

What do you call Sections 1 and 3? You call them the Kingdom of God.  And right in the middle of Section 2 Jesus the King comes and says, “repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Matt. 4:17) And what does Jesus do right in the middle of his time on earth? He heals, feeds the hungry, raises people from the dead, preaches peace, loves perfectly, cares for the children, makes bi-racial people heroes in his stories, breaks down racial barriers, casts out demons, etc. Basically, he displays his power over the curse and the list of brokenness in Section 2.  

Why did Jesus heal diseases? Because there are no diseases in the Kingdom.  Why did he feed hungry people? There is no hunger, poverty, etc. in the KOG. Why did he save lost people? There is no lostness in the KOG. I could keep going with so many more examples, but you get the point. None of these evils are present in God’s Kingdom: no hunger, pain, suffering, injustice, homeless, orphans, abuse, sex trafficking, cancer, disease, addiction, mental illness, divorce, broken hearts, loneliness, etc. None of these things are part of God’s Kingdom. But they are part of a cursed earth. And right in the middle of this curse, right in the middle of a broken world, God sends His Son Jesus to set up the Kingdom of God, right in the middle of a broken and cursed earth. And Jesus comes in the middle of the curse and sets up God’s Kingdom right in the middle of Satan’s kingdom. (Eph. 2:2) He dies on the cross, raises from the dead, and takes the keys of the Kingdom back from Satan, and gives them to the church. (Matt. 16:17-19

He modeled for us over three and half years what Kingdom life looked like. He modeled it, He prayed about it, and He taught about it, and He told his followers to seek it above everything else. Jesus says, “I am the King. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning, (King in the Garden) and the End (King in the New Heaven and Earth)” and I will also reign as King in my Kingdom right here in this cursed earth.  


Here is an official definition: The Kingdom of God is the visible demonstration of the comprehensive rule of God over every area of life. The King is not just about individual Christianity, but over the entire rule and reign of God on earth. But this is a big seminary, commentary definition. The simplest way to describe the Kingdom of God is:

The Kingdom of God is LIFE AS IT WAS MEANT TO BE. Or Life as God meant it to be.

Jesus taught about it, modeled it, told us to seek it, and prayed for it – Matthew 6:9-10, “your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” 

Jesus says, I am the King and I have come to reverse the curse. And as his servants we join Him in His Kingdom work, our ministry, our call, and our purpose. To restore what is broken and lost, to paint a picture of a new reality, of what will be eternally someday. He invites us to join Him to heal the brokenhearted, feed the hungry, help the poor, set the captives free, fix broken cities, and invite unbelievers to follow the King. (Is. 61:1-4, Luke 4:18-19) That’s the Kingdom life. And the purpose of Kingdom Ministry is to reverse the curse,and to restore what is broken. Jesus prayed in the His Prayer, “your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matt. 6:10) He wants heaven, the Kingdom, to come to earth. When we bring heaven to earth, He brings people on earth to heaven. Our purpose is not only to get people from earth to heaven, but to bring heaven to earth. 

Every time you feed the hungry, counsel a married couple to stay together, adopt an orphan, pray for sick people to get well, care about those who are sick, walk with the broken and addicted, help little girls out of sex trafficking, engage poverty, bring about justice, help the orphan, widow, and foreigner, you are bringing about the Kingdom of God. Life as it was meant to be. As John Piper says, “Kingdom servants care about all suffering, especially eternal suffering.” Ultimately, we want to help people who are far away from God to know God through Jesus the King. Simply trying to introduce people to their Father, who is heaven, holy and glorious is His name. (Matt. 6:9) The fulfillment of the Great Commandment, (Love God and Love your neighbor, Mark 12:30-31) and the Great Commission, (Go and make disciples of all nations…, Matthew 28:18-20). This is seeking the Kingdom of God.    

It is important to understand that just because someone is doing Kingdom work or ministries, doesn’t mean they are Kingdom citizens. God is always about His Kingdom and may use secular governments, secular organizations, celebrities, philanthropists, etc., to bring about life as it was meant to be for those who are marginalized, disenfranchised, and suffering. However, that doesn’t mean they are Kingdom citizens. It shows how much God is engaged in His Kingdom and that He will use anyone to bring about His Kingdom purpose, even lost people. At times he may have to because his servants are not embracing Kingdom ministry.  

In the three sections of Biblical history, it has always been about the Kingdom. Everything is about the Kingdom and the King’s servants embracing the Kingdom. Salvation is not the Kingdom. Salvation is entrance into the Kingdom, and we become Kingdom citizens, God’s chosen people, and servants of the King. God’s lights gathering together to disciple followers of Jesus to go out into the Kingdom and love in such a way that we bring heaven to earth. To bring life as it was meant to be. Obviously, this will not reach its climax until Jesus returns, but this is to be our intentional focus and priority as Kingdom citizens.    

Life as it was meant to be. The Kingdom is not only a big deal, it is the deal.  

Until we understand the relationship between His Kingdom and His Church, we will continue to practice a church-centered Christianity that could actually be detrimental to the Kingdom. The Kingdom agenda, life as God intends it to be, is supposed to be the church’s agenda. The church is relevant, important, significant, and on point when it understands its role is to make disciples of Jesus, who embrace and advance the Kingdom, bringing heaven to earth.  

A church-centered expression is defined by church leaders developing more or better church programs for church people on church property. That day must change if the church has any chance to influence the cultural avalanche. Our paradigm must change to a Kingdom-centered ministry mindset. The church is not God’s mission. The Kingdom is. The church is not the point of the Kingdom. The Kingdom is the point of the church. The church has a beginning and an end. As Kingdom servants the church gathers together in a place so that King Jesus develops His disciples to bring heaven to earth in a Kingdom expression. This paradigm does not devalue the church, it actually elevates its importance and significance in the world as it becomes Kingdom-centric. 

This cultural shift will require a change in priorities, principles, and practices. Requiring a change in vocabulary, reconfiguring the scorecard or what we define as a win, and alters our leadership. How we look at things, see things, understand things, and measure things will need to shift.  

The message of the Kingdom is we were not meant for this. We were not meant to be cursed and live under a curse. We were meant for Paradise, life as it was meant to be and we lost it, but the King has come to give it back and reverse the curse, and talk about a new reality, a new Kingdom, a different Paradise. LIFE AS GOD MEANT IT TO BE.

The Kingdom of God is here led by King Jesus. There is another opposing kingdom led by an evil prince. The opposing kingdom is roaring loudly right now and we must know that we are at war. But take courage Kingdom citizens, THE KING IS ON THE MOVE. He is simply looking for people to join Him in bringing about His Kingdom, LIFE AS IT IS MEANT TO BE.   

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