A New Season

A New Season

It doesn’t seem possible but our two-year term with the IMB has come to an end. These two years have gone so fast and so slow. They have been the best of times and the worst of times. We have learned so much more about the Kingdom and about ourselves. There is something about cross-cultural life and living in hard places that exposes the deepest darkest corners of your heart. We come home different people than when we left for Africa two years ago. Ultimately, we hope that difference is a greater passion for the Kingdom, a deeper desire to see the gospel shared, a determination to make disciples of every person desiring to grow, and to embrace the diverse cultures in the Knoxville area. 

  Even as our home base is back in Tennessee, our ministry will continue in Zambia and what God has started there as we continue to walk alongside our Zambian brothers and sisters. Perhaps doors will open for us to expand beyond Zambia and to other African nations and countries in the world. We are certainly praying and seeking the Lord for clarity in our next season of ministry in His Kingdom. 

We want to thank all of you who have supported us, prayed for us, encouraged us, and became ministry partners with us so we could do what God called us to do. You have been a part of every good thing that has happened and is happening to expand the Kingdom of God. We know the ministry could not have happened without you. You have certainly been a partner in changing the world and making Jesus known to the nations. 

Please continue to pray with us as we seek the Lord and gain clarity on what this next season of ministry will be. Thank you again for your partnership in Kingdom ministry. 

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