Todd’s Thoughts

Todd’s Thoughts

One of our students we have been discipling since January has received a scholarship to study Economics in Cairo, Egypt. We believe he is being sent out as a missionary to minister in this predominantly Moslem culture. We had a special time as we prayed over Theophilus as he prepared to leave.

Student Ministry:

We had a special weekend as we celebrated with several students. Three students who became followers of Jesus Christ were baptized.

Going Home

2020 has been a year that most people will never forget. People were faced with challenges that they had no prior experience to help them navigate the unstable waters. Experiencing this time in Zambia has been something I cannot put into words yet. We have learned so much about the Kingdom, culture, ministry, and calling. We have certainly learned more about God and ourselves. As we come to the one-year mark with the IMB, we have so many stories and praises of how God has worked and is working in the lives of so many Zambians. We are so grateful to all of you who have supported us and prayed for us during this year. We certainly needed your prayers and support.

Now, we are ready to go home and spend some quality time with our family during the holidays. We are so thankful to have the opportunity to be home for November and December. Please pray for us as we travel during this season and hope we can make some great memories during these two months.

Todd Stewart

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