Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays

We were able to fly home in early November to be with our family during the holidays. It has certainly been a blessing to see and hug the necks of the people we had missed so much during this unusual year. 

We have certainly come back to a different America than the one we left last year. Perhaps I will write about that another time. But for this holiday season, we are grateful to be with family and friends as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

To our teammates who are still on the field and perhaps unable to get home with family, we are praying for you and our hearts are with you.

I want to thank all of you who have prayed for us and been such an encouraging support with us during 2020. We know we are not alone and could not do what we are doing in Zambia without you. We love you and thank you. I look forward to sharing some amazing ministries and opportunities that are going to take place in January 2021, and how you can partner with us.

I hope everyone has a joyful holiday season and experiences some semblance of normalcy. Whatever that is.


Todd and Kristi Stewart

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